Event Cover

Securing your conversations, protecting your ideas

Event Cover

What is Event cover?

Protecting confidential business information during rehearsals, negotiations, strategy meetings, and green room areas from mobile device hacking, listening devices and eavesdropping from start to finish. Event Cover provides a privacy bubble around confidential meetings, on or off-site.

Event cover

85% is the typical risk of information loss during off-site meetings or events without real time cover



Real Time Event Cover increases your organisation’s resilience against the threat of live information loss, using our expertise and established processes to detect unauthorised surveillance.


  • Instant capability to identify and alert to any unauthorised activity
  • Response and assistance when a crisis situation occurs (live loss of confidential business information)
  • Managing embarrassing situations, containing and controlling the escalation of an incident
  • Liaising with all stakeholders, event support teams and security

‘Over the years Whiterock has covered thousands of meetings and events. our estimated potential savings from preventing the leaks of confidential information of our successful clients run into billions of pounds.’

Whiterock, Whitenews – 2008

Audit Cover

A traditional bug sweep service to identify the presence of unauthorised surveillance devices, technical security weaknesses, and increase information resilience

Consultancy Cover

Expert advice on compliance, policy, and risk assessments. How to manage crisis situations, and promoting a culture of espionage awareness

Whiteroom 24/7 Cover

Transform any room into a safe space to discuss confidential conversations, free from the risk of unauthorised surveillance and eavesdropping