What’s the risk?

The chance or probability that a business will be harmed or suffer damages when exposed to the threat of corporate espionage.

Many businesses are completely ill-prepared for the unexpected and massive losses suffered as a result of unauthorised surveillance and competitive information gathering.

Imagine your competitor has gained access to a transcript of your last strategic confidential meeting, and ask yourself how this could affect your business?


Controlling the risk

All businesses have a duty of care to protect their trade secrets and intellectual property.

In the event of an information leak would you be confident your business had robust countermeasures in place?

Having the correct controls in place to protect exposed confidential business information will greatly mitigate your risk and liability from espionage attempts.

A controlled risk remains a potential threat, but the probability of an associated incident or severity of consequences have been significantly reduced.

‘Good espionage is invisible to those who don’t look.’

Crispin Sturrock, Founder